Sometimes I’m not as good at things as I think I’m going to be

There’s a game called Scattegories that some of you may have played before. Each round, someone rolls a 26-sided die. The roll determines what letter is chosen, and then each person gets a few minutes to answer as many questions … Continue reading Sometimes I’m not as good at things as I think I’m going to be

Clarence the Cantankerous Clock

As most of you know, my clocks mainly come from eBay filed under “For Parts or Repair” and that’s the way I like them. I’m still firmly in the learning stage and while I can do minor work on quality clocks I generally stick to toss away clocks that no one cares for but myself. So I was hyped to find a great deal on two ceramic clocks that have just the kind of small circular movement that I wanted to practice on. One of those cases is shown in the picture below, to the right. Not being overly fond … Continue reading Clarence the Cantankerous Clock

Beau the Morbier

Oh, Beau. A suave, handsome name for a suave, handsome clock. First, a picture of the beauty. The writing on the clock reads “Perry Hger” above and “a Monflanquin” below. First off, a history of Morbier (or Comtoise) clocks. They were made in villages in France (Morbier being the name of one such village and Comte a region in which the clocks were commonly made). Historically, farmers would work together during their slow times to work on a clock communally, and then would sell it to a retailer who would put on the finishing touches, such as their name (“Perry … Continue reading Beau the Morbier